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Mindeelyn Siberians | Siberian Kittens for Sale | Ontario, Canada

  Welcome to the Mindeelyn Siberians Kitten Page

If we currently have kittens available, they will be showcased below. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, feel free to contact us!  We may have younger kittens not yet listed on our website,  Your perfect kitten may just be waiting for you.
We can be contacted at or 289-600-8796

Featured below are two adorable little sisters born November 23rd of this year.  They are our last litter of 2024.

Mindeelyn Siberians | Siberian Kittens for Sale | Ontario, Canada

We have no available kittens at this time. 
We are currently taking deposits on our next litter which is expected in March.

The kittens below are from 2024 litters.  All kittens have gone to their forever homes.

#2- Spile 28 Sep 24 (28).JPG

This is baby Spike, our miracle kitten,  and his adoring mother, Taliya.   Spike was born a singleton (only one kitten in the litter).  He had a scrappy coat, two crooked hind legs and weighed  an astonishing 1.6 ounces.  Siberians very seldom survive at this low birth weight.

At first Spike was too weak to even suckle so he became our guinea pig.  We learned to tube feed with Spike.  Taliya would stand over us on the counter, closely watching the procedure but never interferring.  When we withdrew the tube she would come right over and make a big fuss of him - licking him and quietly talking to him.  So for the first week or so we worked together with Taliya to save Spike's life.  After that, Taliya was able to look after Spike by herself.

By the time Spike left us, physiotherapy had straightened his crooked legs, his weight was good, he had a thick, plush coat, and was totally spoilt.

#3 - Lily - Black Silver Mac (3).JPG
Annabelle (7).JPG
Goldie and Kitten - Compressed.jpg

Sleep is very important for young kittens.  During deep sleep, kittens release growth hormone.  These hormones are vital for cell repair, tissue development and overall growth.  That is why, at Mindeelyn, we try not to wake a sleeping kitten.  We also provide have lots of places to sleep.

02 Nov 24.JPG
#1, #2 - 11 Dec 24 (3).JPG
#1 - Fur-gie - 06 Nov 24 (34).JPG
#1 - Gracie - 16 Sep 24 (5).JPG
#4 - Izizi - 16 Sep 24 (17).JPG
#2 - Kimi - 05 Oct 24 (27).JPG
#1 - Fur-gie - 06 Nov 24 (23).JPG

This year we introduced a new line of kittens.  This is an example of one of our classic sunshines.  We think the colouring is quite exquisitve.

#3 - Ziggy - 07 Oct 24 (29).JPG
#3 Figero - 09 Nov 04 (10).JPG

Fearless Hunter of Toys and Socks

What can I say about the kitten we received from Mindeelyn  Siberians?  

Hank is a fearless hunter of his toys and our socks.  He is extremely affectionate, smart and loyal.  He loves to spend  time with us, has become best buddies with our elderly dog, thinks our kids are the best playmates in the world, and believes that everything in our home belongs to him.

Hank is a totally adorable kitten.  He brings constant joy to our home and provides us with endless entertainment.

Thank you so much, Mindeelyn, for raising such an outstanding kitten.

The Connelly Family

Ottawa, Ontario

P.S. - Hank says, "Hi"!

Hank - Compressed.jpg
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