Mindeelyn Siberians
Oldest Canadian Siberian Cattery

Call / Text - 289-600-8796

Defeat Cat Allergies! Embrace Feline Love!!
Sensitivity to animals, especially cats, is one of the most common allergies. Millions of North Americans suffer from cat allergies. Symptoms include difficulty breathing, chronic sore throat, coughing, wheezing, itchy skin, red, itchy, watery eyes, nasal congestion, itchy nose, and sneezing.
The Siberian provokes fewer allergic reactions than most cats and can be termed "hypoallergenic" (having a decreased tendency to provoke an allergic reaction). The length of the cat's coat, colour, sex or the amount of fur does not affect the degree of response a sufferer will experience. The major allergen of the domestic cat is the Fel D1 substance, produced in the sebaceous glands of the cat's skin and saliva. Cats constantly groom themselves, spreading their saliva across their fur. There, the saliva, including the Fel D1 dries. Fel D1 is several times lighter than air and floats throughout the cat's environment, clinging onto draperies, furniture, etc.
Generally, Siberians have significantly less Fel D1 than other breeds of cats. Approximately 80 - 85% of people can live comfortably with a Siberian. Unfortunately, there is no scientific test to determine who will react and who will not.
The one thing that might help you understand if a Siberian will work for you and your allergies is to purchase an allergen kit from us. The kit contains the fur from at least three adult Siberians. By following the instructions for a week or so, most people can tell whether they will be comfortable living with a Siberian.

Call or text us for more information about our allergy testing kits

The following are hints on how to help your body adapt to your cat once you have it at home:
For the first few weeks, it is highly recommended that the person who is allergic or asthmatic has as little to do with the cat as possible.
Do not let the cat into the bedroom, and keep the door shut 24/7.
Dust and vacuum as often as possible.
Weather permitting, open the windows.
Purchase and run an air purifier.
Restrict the cat to just one area of the house for the first few weeks.
Wash the cat weekly with a product such as Allerpet.
Consult a doctor for suggestions regarding cat allergies and what medication is available to possibly help the situation.